This world shall be berry for our god is berry. Therefore must respect, love, pray to our one and only. This world was just nothing before berry god and made this hakoniwa world in just three days... Berry isnt just a "berry" its everything...its love, its life...its a way to express our beliefs..and those who disrespect thy belief shall burn in strawberry HELL. FIRE. PAIN. OVER AND OVER. Berry god wants us to be calm, be respectful, be peaceful. Those who disrespect humans and berrizens shall be punished in strawberry hell. Those who want to be berrism, berrislam, berritanity shall say the following: "Berry is love berry is life, i dedicate my life to berry god sama" And then those who has said thy holy word will eat berry of any form (Ex. blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, grapes and ligonberry)