1. PC98 will dissolve OTAKU (but will be allowed to maintain its alliances with Hachikuji, Gensokyo and any non-aligned islands) 2. PC98 must cut off all passive non-diplomatic support to pen Island and maintain a firm anti-AGGRO stance (but may be allowed to ask for leniency if called for). 3. PC98 must eliminate the BPI, recognize BAI's legitimacy and cease asshole terroristic attacks on smaller islands 4. OPTIONAL but since PC98 will want to reestablish ties: PC98 must join HAPI in order to restore our relationship as allies. IF they do so, I will provide funds and food for them to rebuild. To sweeten the deal, in exchange I will cut ties with all non-HAPI allies that I currently have. In addition, I will offer 90% of my remaining funds alone. FURTHERMORE, I will change my island's name from Lolislamic State of Shotacon to simply Shotacon to reduce disputes over religion. We believe this change will not only positively affect our relationship, but also the rest of the archipelago. For every turn you refuse to accept these terms without compromise, I will use land-destroying missiles on your cities. You have until [insert turn number] to accept the terms unconditionally. HYPOTHETICAL JUSTIFCATION FOR WAR: Q: "What happens if negotiations fall through?" A: Then PC98 and I will go to war to settle our differences, which may or may not involve one or more of our allies outside of HAPI/OTAKU supporting us, and the victor will be free to force the loser to agree to an unequal treaty (i.e. PC98 wins: I have to join OTAKU, I win: PC98 has to join HAPI). Our war boner is very hard rite nao, so I am not hesitant to give them some pinpoint annaru sekkusu if that is what it takes!